Vertical Jump Training: Vert Shock.

Hey, Adam Folker here…Okay, so I know this might sound far-fetched to you, and you’re probably pretty skeptical, but below I’m going to explain precisely how I, Adam Folker as well as Justin Darlington and so many of our athletes, have added up to 9 – 15 inches to our vertical jumps – not in months, but within days and weeks.

So even if you’re short, un-athletic, tried every program and gimmick before, never dunked a ball in your life, are SUPER skeptical or already have a decent-sized jump, I’m about to show you 100% irrefutable proof that you too can add serious inches to your vertical.

“Finally Dunk Like A Total Badass…”

vertical jump

….by adding up to 9 – 15 inches to your vertical jump with our proven secrets, guaranteed.

Tried everything to increase your vertical jump but nothing’s worked?

Well…just imagine hearing the roar of the crowd when you take off on the fast break and throw down a rim-wrecking showtime dunk!

It’s been a well studied fact that for years now that kids who play sports at a young age have far more success at college, their careers and social life…

However, the catch is, that to reap all these benefits, your child must…

  • Have fun – so they must enjoy their sport
  • Become confident – so they must win games and score points
  • Develop a good work ethic – so they must practice regularly

And if they don’t experience all 3 of these in their sport, the benefits in later life will be minimal at best.

You guessed it, by training their vertical jump to dunk!

The process of increasing one’s vertical jump achieves all 3 of these critical goals by being…

  • The single most fun aspect of basketball – so they enjoy the game a lot more.
  • It helps them score points very easily – so their confidence is boosted dramatically.
  • Progress is quick in the beginning – so it gets them highly motivated to keep practicing and improving.

And my vertical jump program, Vert Shock, is by far the best way to teach them this.