Picture Book Writing Challenge – 12 X 12 in 2015

12 x 12 is a year-long writing challenge where members aim to write 12 complete picture book drafts, one per month, for each 12 months of the year.  ALL 12 x 12 members get access to an amazing community of 750+ picture book writers at all levels.  They are from absolute beginner to multi-published. 12 x 12 offers motivation, support, and accountability to help you write more than you would on your own.

writing challenge

24×7 Writing Community

Imagine a 24/7 writing community where, you have a question, you can receive answers almost instantly from a network of authors 750+ strong.  That’s 12 x 12.


Imagine being able to share triumphs and disappointments alike, and have a community that “has your back” at all times.  That’s 12 x 12.


Imagine the power of having curated resources on planning, writing, revising, submitting, and promoting picture books at your fingertips every day.  That’s 12 x 12.


Imagine a picture book playground where you can meet other writers & illustrators, talking shop with people who “get” you, give/receive feedback on your manuscripts & queries, form critique groups, and tap into an endless supply of inspiration.  That’s 12 x 12.


“12×12 has convinced me that I am a writer. I’ve done it for two years and because of the monthly posts, the community on the forum and the Facebook page, the monthly check-ins and the opportunity to submit to agents above the slush pile and whatever other benefits I’m forgetting.  I now take my writing seriously.  I used to write “in secret” and only when I “had the time.” I hardly told a soul that I was writing picture books. Now you can’t get me to stop talking about it! It is what I do and there is no hiding it. And I owe a lot of that changed mindset to 12×12.”  Debra Shumaker

“Daily writing practice and monthly deadlines have certainly improved my writing.  There are plenty of opportunities to learn and improve through networking with other 12 x 12ers. I write more PB manuscripts than I might otherwise have attempted if I had not been in 12×12…It is important to be involved…Being involved is part of accepting the professionalism of the career of writing. You have to be ready to accept that writing is a career and to treat it accordingly. I now introduce myself as ‘I am a writer and illustrator’. This is who I am and 12 x 12 helped me reach that understanding.”  Cecilia Clark