Writing For A Living

writingWriting for a living will open so many doors for anyone looking to escape the 9-5 jobs.  When you have the right tools to learn from, you can have the freedom that so many people can only dream about.  Writerhelpwanted.com will show you how to avoid the mistakes many writers make.

While many industries are still struggling from recessionary times, the one job industry experiencing EXPLOSIVE growth is online writing jobs. Companies NEED your help creating content to attract visitors to their websites, blog, and social media pages.

Every day, there are hundreds of quality companies and small businesses looking to hire writers for salaried jobs, freelance gigs and easy writing services. There are more opportunities than they can fill and we’ll show you how and where to find them.

But more than tha. If you want to take this even further, we’ll teach you to leverage your writing skills to start your own business.  You’ll know exactly how to use your existing talents (or how to outsource the work to others), to create ongoing passive income from home…

WriterHelpWanted Training Modules

One – The Writing Market: Profitable Ideas in a Competitive Marketplace

Two – Get Paid Now: Find Writing Jobs Online

Three – From Jobs to a Business: Get Long Term Work

Four – Get Paid While You Sleep: Creating Passive Streams of Income

Five – Improve Your Skills: Writing Persuasively and Building Authority

“I’m always on the lookout for writers with expertise in wellness topics. Thanks to Writer Help Wanted I connected with an ideal candidate and she also has a background with internet marketing. Thanks to Alice, Ron, and team for making this happen. Game changer for me!” – Kate Rieger


“I’ve been a member of a few large writers’ services over the years, but this is the first one that offered an assortment of constantly updated resources in flexible formats that meet me where I am in my business. Best of all Ron and Alice are actively involved in the private Facebook group leading and responding to current issues and opportunities that busy writers and bloggers care about.”  Sharon McMillan, City Living Guide.”  – Sharon McMillan