Anabolic Cooking – Muscle Building Cookbook

Anabolic Cooking will give you the recipes you need to build muscle, and to keep it on. While other recipe books may tell you generally what foods to eat, or how many calories to consume, this one actually shows you the exact foods you need to prepare and how to prepare them.

anabolic cooking

Cooking to gain muscle (and lose fat)

Ok, the first thing I liked about this was all the detailed info you get with each and every recipe. Each one gives you the protein, carbs, calories, and fat.  You can EASILY count these metrics if that’s something you track.  This allows you to have a diet tailored to YOUR personal needs.  And makes it easy for you to know which foods help you to stick to that diet. This also makes creating the perfect diet both extremely easy and fun.

It’s not long before we crave junk food, we start cheating and eating everything on site that is tasty. Why? Because we had nothing healthy and tasty prepared in advance. Nothing that could match the satisfaction of eating something that tastes so good that you want more…

And you’re not the one to blame… Who the hell can live exclusively on boiled chicken breasts, baked potatoes and broccoli?

I bet that you know exactly what I’m talking about, right?

Other problems people face is the misconceptions surrounding cooking, eating and preparing meals for Bodybuilding and Fitness.

Top 5 Misconceptions About Cooking And Eating For Bodybuilding And Fitness:

#1 – Bodybuilding and fitness nutrition must be plain, boring and taste terrible.

#2 – You can’t make home-prepared meals that taste like you eat at a restaurant, that still can promote muscle building and fat loss.

#3 – Most people don’t have enough experience in the kitchen to prepare tasty meals.

#4 – It takes too much precious time to make a full week’s worth of meals.

#5 – Trips to the supermarket to buy healthy foods will cost an arm and a leg.